Creating and communicating with a Group on TidyHQ
Creating a group on TidyHQ will allow you to keep a group of contacts stored in one place. You can then export this group, or send emails through TidyHQ to this group.
1. Select Contacts from the options on the left hand side.
2. To make it easier, scroll down to the bottom and change the Contacts per page to 500.
3. Scroll back up. You can filter the contacts based on the fields that you would like to select the group based on. You can utilise the Filter or Advanced Filter options next to the search bar.
4. Go to the list and tick any member who you would like to add to the group (on the left of their name). Alternatively, you can select all by ticking the box next to the contact heading.
5. Scroll back up and select Actions (next to the search bar) and Add to Group.
6. Click +New Group and name it suitably. Click Add.
You have now created a group! To communicate with this group from TidyHQ, please see the instructions below.
1. Select Communicate from the options on the left-hand side.
2. In the Pick a Contact or Group bar, start typing the name of the group you have created. Click on the group and add any other contacts or groups you would like to send the email to.
3. Adjust the email accordingly and add the Subject and Body required. Choose to add any attachments to the email.
4. Click Send.

Note: this email comes from a TidyHQ address, unique to your club. You will need to login to see any responses to this email.
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