How to Renew my Membership?

How to Renew my Membership?

How to Renew my Membership?

This article will instruct you on how to:
- Check that Auto-Renew on
- Change your credit card details for Auto-Renew
- How to renew if Auto-Renew is off
- How to renew a different membership type

*Auto-Renew will be 'off' on most Annual memberships that expires prior to 1 November 2021.
*Families renewing together, must renew via the Family Membership page.

How do I check my Auto-Renew is on?

1. Login to your account here.
2. If Auto-Renew is on, it will list the date it will occur under the Expiry date (see below).

How do I check/update my listed credit card?

1. Login to your TidyHQ account here, or head to the Transactions tab when logged in.
2. Click Credit Card.
3. Click Change Card (see below).

4. Enter the details of your updated card and click Save. This card will now be used for your auto-renewal.

How to renew my same membership if Auto-Renew is off, or my membership has already Expired?

1. Login to your account HERE, or head to the Memberships tab when logged in.
2. Click Renew, listed under your membership (see below).

3. Follow the prompts by accepting the terms and conditions, and making payment. This will renew your membership.

How to renew with a different membership type?

1. Login to your account here, or head to the Memberships tab when logged in.
2. Click New Membership.
3. Find the membership that you wish to sign up for and click Register.
4. Click Register again.
5. Ensure you select that the membership is for the correct person and click Next, Membership Information.
6. Follow the prompts to make payment for your new membership.
7. If your current membership is not yet expired, ensure you turn off Auto-Renew on this.

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