Updating your contact profile on TidyHQ

Updating your contact profile on TidyHQ

Updating your contact profile on Tidy HQ


1.       Go to AusCycling website (www.auscycling.org.au)

2.       Hover over 'Join AusCycling' and click on 'Member Login'. 

3.       You will then be taken to www.auscycling.tidyhq.com  where you need to hit “Log In” in the top right corner

4.       In the pop up window, please enter the email address associated with your membership, then enter your password (if this is the first time accessing Tidy HQ, please request a reset password email and then follow the links in the email to be able to move onto the next step).

5.       Then head to the top right corner where you will see your name and initials.

6.       Click on the initials and then click on “Contact Profile”.

7.       In “Contact Profile”, if you have multiple memberships connected to your email, you will see the primary account holder name first with a little arrow beside it, from there you can toggle between each family member.

8.       In “Contact Profile” for each family member please ensure the following items are correct-and edit/update if not:

·       Name

·       Date of Birth

·       Gender

·       Transponder Details-if applicable to your sport (please ensure these are in the correct format : XX-12345)

9.       Once details have been edited/updated please ensure you click “Save and Update” at the very bottom of the page.

10.   On “Contact Profile” you can also check your coach/officials accreditation details and your AusCycling member number.

11.   To download your digital card (and any family members cards) please go to “Memberships” in the left hand side tabs and hit “Add to Apple Wallet” or “GPay Save to Phone”-dependant on your smart phone type.


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